Variation and Inheritance

  • Created by: m.e.86
  • Created on: 19-04-17 17:27
Why do characteristics of an individual of the same kind differ?
Because of the genes they inherited; the conditions in which they have developed; a combination of these
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Why do plants and animals have similar characteristics to their parents?
Because the offspring is made via the fusion of gametes which each carry half the chromosomes (that carry half of the genes) of the offspring. There will be a mix of genetic info so the offspring will look similar but not identical to its parents.
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What does the nucleus contain?
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What do chromosomes carry?
They carry genes that control the characteristics of the body
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What are chromosomes always found in?
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What are different forms of a gene?
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Define homozygous
a person with identical copies of a gene
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Define heterozygous
a person with different alleles of the gene
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What is a dominant allele?
An allele that controls the development of a characteristic when it is present on only one of the chromosomes
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What is a recessive allele?
An allele that controls the development of a characteristic only when the dominant allele is not present
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Where do dominant alleles always show up?
In a person's phenotype
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what's the genotype?
the genes carried by a person
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Which chromosomes are the sex chromosomes?
23rd pair
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Since females have 2 X chromosomes, they are _______
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How are males heterozygous?
They have an X and a Y chromosome
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What is sexual reproduction?
The fusion of male and female gametes and the mixture of genetic information leads to variety in the offspring.
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What is asexual reproduction?
NO fusion of gametes- only one parent. No mixing of genetic info so no genetic variation in offspring
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Chromosomes are made of large molecules of...
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DNA contains the coded info that determines...
inherited characteristics
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What is a gene?
A small section of DNA
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What does each gene code for?
Each gene codes for a particular combination of amino acids, to make a specific protein.
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DNA is made up of very long strands, twisted to form a ....
double helix
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DNA contain 4 different compounds called
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A sequence of 3 bases is a code for...
a particular amino acid
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What does the order of bases control?
It controls the order in which amino acids are assembled to produce a particular protein.
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Card 2


Why do plants and animals have similar characteristics to their parents?


Because the offspring is made via the fusion of gametes which each carry half the chromosomes (that carry half of the genes) of the offspring. There will be a mix of genetic info so the offspring will look similar but not identical to its parents.

Card 3


What does the nucleus contain?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do chromosomes carry?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are chromosomes always found in?


Preview of the front of card 5
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