
  • Created by: StarDaze
  • Created on: 24-05-17 19:51
Whether a legitimate/genuine result or observed effect is produced; which represents behaviour in real world.
1 of 11
Internal Validity
Whether investigation actually studies what it set out to, i.e. result is due to manipulation of IV.
2 of 11
External Validity
Whether findings can be generalised.
3 of 11
Ecological Validity
Whether findings can be generalised to other settings or situations.
4 of 11
Temporal Validity
Extent to which findings can be generalised to other historical times and eras.
5 of 11
Face Validity
Whether a test appears to measure what it set out to study.
6 of 11
Concurrent Validity
How far the results of a test/scale match a well-established existing test.
7 of 11
Improving experiment validity
Use control group. Standardise procedures - reduces investigator effects and participant reactivity (behaviour alteration). Use single or double blind produres
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Improving questionnaire validity
Use of lie scale (questions which determine truthfulness) and anonymity, to reduce social desirability bias.
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Improving observations validity
Favour covert observations, as they produce more authentic results. Have clear behavioural categories
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Improving qualitative methods validity
Use of triangulation (use of different sources for evidence), i.e. interviews, personal diaries, observations, etc.
11 of 11

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Card 2


Internal Validity


Whether investigation actually studies what it set out to, i.e. result is due to manipulation of IV.

Card 3


External Validity


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Ecological Validity


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Temporal Validity


Preview of the front of card 5
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