  • Created by: Jennycave
  • Created on: 18-10-22 20:23
What is the term for passing painful burning urination
1 of 12
Which one of the following is not a typical symptom of a UTI:
1) Cloudy urine
2) New Nocturia
3) Headache
4) Fever
3) Headache
2 of 12
In women aged 65 & under with a UTI, what may a temperature of 37.9 and above indicate?
- Sepsis
- Pyelonephritis (kidney infection)
3 of 12
Haematuria is a symptom of a UTI, what does this mean?
There is visible blood in the urine
4 of 12
Urgency and frequency of urination decrease with a UTI
(They increase)
5 of 12
Is flank pain more likely to be sign of a kidney problem, or a UTI?
Kidney problem
(accompanied by fever, blood in the urine, frequent or urgent urination)
6 of 12
Betty is 70 years old, she has experienced some new incontinence with suprapubic pain and delirium.
Is this likely to a sign of a UTI?
7 of 12
List 3 strong UTI risk factors
- Sexual activity
- menopause
- Spermicide use
- Family history of UTI's
- Presence of a foreign body e.g catheter
8 of 12
List 3 weak UTI risk factors
- insulin treated diabetes
- recent antibiotic use
- Poor bladder emptying
- Increasing age
9 of 12
Why is menopause a strong risk factor for UTI
The absence of oestrogen
10 of 12
The most common route of infection for UTI's in women is the ascending or descending pathway
Ascending pathway
11 of 12
How could reoccurrence of UTI in post-menopausal women be prevented?
Acidification of vaginal fluid PH
by application of topical oestrogen compounds
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Which one of the following is not a typical symptom of a UTI:
1) Cloudy urine
2) New Nocturia
3) Headache
4) Fever


3) Headache

Card 3


In women aged 65 & under with a UTI, what may a temperature of 37.9 and above indicate?


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Card 4


Haematuria is a symptom of a UTI, what does this mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Urgency and frequency of urination decrease with a UTI


Preview of the front of card 5
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