Why is good customer service important?
Maintains loyalty and customers will recommend the business - good reputation, increase in profits, competitive markets, if high prices are charged it has to reflect the service
1 of 6
What methods of research can you use to find needs?
Could ask customers to complete questionnaires (prizes?), conduct interviews, test marketing, market research agencies
2 of 6
Pros & Cons to augmenting a product's functions?
Pros: stands out from other competition, fulfils other needs Cons: Expensive, core might be more important
3 of 6
Why do you need a lot of information on a product?
complex - includes additional services too, increases level of involvement, expensive, more professional, maintains loyalty
4 of 6
Pros & Cons of ICT
Database systems are more reliable and efficient - makes service better, Can deal with suppliers better - online orders, websites - appeal to younger demographic
5 of 6
How can you use ICT?
Use website, store data from questionnaire results and find trends, Use other online secondary resources - free
6 of 6

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Card 2


What methods of research can you use to find needs?


Could ask customers to complete questionnaires (prizes?), conduct interviews, test marketing, market research agencies

Card 3


Pros & Cons to augmenting a product's functions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why do you need a lot of information on a product?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Pros & Cons of ICT


Preview of the front of card 5
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