Unit 2 Extraction of metals

Which ores are used to extract which metals?
Haematite= Fe2O3 Magnetite=Fe3O4 Iron pyrites=FeS2 Bauxite=Al2O3 Rutile=TiO2 Ilmenite=FeTiO3
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What are the conditions for the extraction of iron?
up to 2000 degrees, Coke as a reducing agent, hot air through tuyeres as a catalyst
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How is Steel made?
using the BOS process where molten pig iron, scrap steel and calcium oxide are blasted with oxygen through a water-cooled oxygen lance, then the steel is tapered off
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Why is aluminium extracted using electrolysis?
It will not be reduced by carbon
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How does elecrolysis work?
Bauxite is purified with NaOH, it's then dissolved in a cryolite catalyst to reduce the melting point (saving money). The mixture is then electrolysed in a cell with graphite anodes and cathodes
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What are the half equations for the electrolysis of bauxite?
2O2- -> O2 + 4e- and Al3+ + 3e- -> Al
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Why can't Titanium and tungsten be reduced using carbon?
carbides are formed which make the metal brittle
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How is titanium extracted?
Titanium oxide is reacted with chlorine to produce titanium chloride. Mg or Na is then used to displace the titanium, producing Ti and MgCl2
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what are the equations for the extraction of titanium?
TiO2+2Cl2+2C -> TiCl4+2CO, TiCl4+2Mg(/4Na)->2MgCl2(/4NaCl2)
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of reduction with carbon?
very cheap, but some metals are too reactive and can produce brittle carbides
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of reduction with metals?
very expensive, but will produce a pure product
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of electrolysis?
produces a very pure product, but is expensive because of energy consumption
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What are the uses of extracted metals?
Iron-widely used because of low cost, Aluminium-cooking foil, drinks cans, aeroplane parts, Titanium- aircraft alloys, missiles, car engines(very strong and low density(cheap))
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What are the problems related to pollution?
CO produced is poisonous, but is burnt during the extraction process, CO2 contributes to global warming, SO2/NO cause acid rain, Fine dust is produced in Al extraction which forms red mud
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Why is recycling used instead of metal extraction?
saves money, reduces litter(/pollution) and solves the issue of declining resources
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the conditions for the extraction of iron?


up to 2000 degrees, Coke as a reducing agent, hot air through tuyeres as a catalyst

Card 3


How is Steel made?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is aluminium extracted using electrolysis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does elecrolysis work?


Preview of the front of card 5
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