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6. what does christian service involve?

  • having no needs
  • putting others needs before your own
  • putting your needs before others

7. what is the parable of the sower about?

  • people who follow the word of god will get rich
  • people who follow the word of god will be rewarded
  • people who do not sin will live a long life

8. who was Levi?

  • a tax collector
  • a peasant
  • a pharisees

9. where did jesus get cruxified

  • bethlehem
  • golgotha
  • gethsemane

10. why did the disciples fail in the garden of gethsemane

  • because they were hungry
  • because they were tired
  • because they were bored

11. what does jesus say about wealth?

  • that it isn't healthy
  • that you shouldnt care about earthly things there would be greater rewards
  • that it is the sign of the devil

12. what are the 10 commandments?

  • 10 laws given by moses
  • 10 laws given by god
  • 10 rules from your mum

13. who are the sanhedrin

  • the supreme jewish council who said jesus blasphemed
  • a religious group that fought against roman rule
  • a group of high priests that arrested jesus

14. what was the importance of the last supper to christians

  • there was a great feast
  • was the first mass
  • the eucharist was created

15. What did Simon, Andrew, James, John and Levi leave behind to follow jesus?

  • the devil
  • jobs,family,security
  • happiness,wealth,fun

16. how does the parable of the sower cause problems for christians?

  • disciples never understood jesus' parable
  • disciples got angry at the parable
  • disciples didnt understand why jesus told parables

17. what is true greatness?

  • the teaching that the service of others is true greatness
  • the teaching that the worship of good is true greatness
  • the teaching that god is almighty

18. what is the meaning of jesus casts the spirit out of the boy?

  • to have faith in jesus and all things are possible
  • that epilepsy was cured
  • to have faith in moses and all things are possible

19. how does the spirit being cast out of the boy cause problems for christians?

  • the boy could have epilepsy
  • disciples were untrustworthy
  • the disciples betrayed gods word

20. what does the parable of the tenants show?

  • jesus prophesying his crucifixion
  • the jewish nation being destroyed
  • the overtaking of the roman rule