Unit 7 Key Words

  • Created by: gb2000
  • Created on: 21-05-19 17:03
Sets out a business's overall purpose to direct and stimulate the entire organisation
mission statement
1 of 12
Sets out a business's aspirations for the future
vision statement
2 of 12
Medium to long-term goals established to coordinate the business
corporate objectives
3 of 12
judgements made by senior managers that are longterm and difficult to reverse
strategic decisions
4 of 12
A judgement taken by managers responsible for one aspect of a business's activities
functional decisions
5 of 12
Current assets minus current liabilities
working capital
6 of 12
Loans with fixed interest rates which are long term and may not even have a repayment date
7 of 12
Preparation of financial statements to present the company's performance in the best possible light
Window dressing
8 of 12
The successful exploitation of new ideas
9 of 12
When two or more businesses collude to control prices and/or production levels to limit the event of competition in the market
10 of 12
Documents setting out a business's targets for meeting its social obligations and the extent to which previous social targets have been achieved
corporate social reports
11 of 12
A technique that uses variations in forecasts to allow for a range of outcomes
sensitivity analysis
12 of 12

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Card 2


Sets out a business's aspirations for the future


vision statement

Card 3


Medium to long-term goals established to coordinate the business


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


judgements made by senior managers that are longterm and difficult to reverse


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A judgement taken by managers responsible for one aspect of a business's activities


Preview of the front of card 5
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