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6. After victory in which event was this extended to include the 4 southern states of Germany

  • Franco Prussian war
  • Austrian war
  • Civil war
  • World war 2

7. Which class of Germans society were expanding and what ideology were they attracted too?

  • Peasants - Liberal
  • Middle class - socialism/ Prolatariat
  • Junker class - conservative/ right wing
  • Marxism

8. What was drawn up by Chief minister Bismarck after Prussia’s victory against Austria in 1867

  • North German confederation
  • Bundersratt
  • Armistice

9. Name two powers held by the Emperor of Germany and the German word for his title

  • Kaiser - couldn’t choose his chancellor
  • Kaiser - dissolve parliament and declare war
  • Kaiser - abolish laws select new government

10. Which organisation was seen as the creator of the reich and what did this mean for Germany??

  • The middle class (proletariat)
  • The reichstag
  • The army - independent reichstag control
  • The chancellor - could dissolve parliament like Wilhelm