Unit 1 - A2

  • Created by: san01
  • Created on: 17-10-19 19:30
what is cognitive development?
The thought process including memory, decision making, problem solving
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what is the constructivist approach?
Children develop based on experiences and interactions
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what are the stages of cognitive development?
sensimotor ( 0-2yrs), pre operational (2-7 yrs), concrete operational (7-11yrs) formal operation 11+
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what age is sensimotor? descrpition?
0-2 years, learning happens through sensory and motor interactions with the physical environment, main development is to understand that objects exists and events occur independently of ones own actions
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what age is pre operational? desc?
2-7 years, consists of building experiences about the world through adaptation, increase in using symbols and objects to represent something else. Children dont understand logic yet.
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what age is concrete operational? desc?
7-11 years, kids become more logical about specific things however struggle with abstract thoughts and ideas.
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what age is formal operation? desc?
11+ children gain ability to think more abstract, able to do mathematical calculations and imagine outcome of certain actions
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what are schemas for?
enable us to form a mental representation of the world developed through experience, building block of knowledge . Helps us understand and respond to situations
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what is egocentrism?
viewing things only from your point of view or perspective
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what does LAD stand for ?
language acquisition devicey- chomsky
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what did chomsky use LAD for?
to explain how children acquire language abilities and the innate understanding of grammar and arrangement of words
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what is LAD?
theoretical concept used to explain underlying processes of learning and understanding a language
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what was chomskys theory?
He suggested that every child is born with LAD which holds the fundamental rules for language- suggesting children are born understanding the rules and just need to learn the vocab.
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what is the critical period for learning lang? what happens later?
between 2 years and adolescence, later on it is possible but more difficult and with less achievement to learn a language.
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does it get harder to learn a language as you get older?
It inst necessarily getting harder but different as children are naturally adapted to learning new things, however adults use life experiences to learn things
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what are the types of intelecutal development?
problem solving, moral development, abstract thoughts and creative thinking, memory, language development
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what skills does intellectual; development include?
reading, writing, drawing, numeracy, language development, imagination
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how do people learn?
by talking, doing, experiencing, copying, trial and error, looking, questioning, listening
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what encourages intelectual development?
provide stimulation. talking lots, answering questions, exploring new places
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what hinders intellectual development?
lack of stimulation, poor concentration, disabilities, poor eyesight, deafness, bullying
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how does this develop through infancy and early childhood?
awareness, reading ,writing , talking
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developing through adolescence into infancy?
logical thinking, problem solving, memory recall
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development through middle adulthood?
make judgements based on experiences
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development through later adulthood?
changes in brain can cause short term memory decline, slower thought process and reaction time
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what are some effects of ageing?
bones weaken - loose flexibility and endurance. Memory loss- effect on thinking skills, wrinkles, Gray hair, hearing loss, eyesight loss,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the constructivist approach?


Children develop based on experiences and interactions

Card 3


what are the stages of cognitive development?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what age is sensimotor? descrpition?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what age is pre operational? desc?


Preview of the front of card 5
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