Understanding the role and importance of stakeholders

What are stakeholders?
Individuals or groups within society who have an interest in an organisations operations and performance
1 of 13
What are primary stakeholders?
Individuals or groups directly affected by a particular business activity
2 of 13
What are secondary stakeholders?
Individuals or groups that have an indirect interest within the business
3 of 13
Give 2 examples of secondary stakeholders
General public, local communities, activist groups, the media
4 of 13
Give an example of an internal stakeholder
Employees, shareholders, managers
5 of 13
Give an example of an external stakeholder
The government, suppliers
6 of 13
How can stakeholder mapping help managers?
Helps them to consider decisions in relation to stakeholders' need and their ability to influence it
7 of 13
Give an example of an internal factor that influences the relationship with stakeholders
Business objectives, management and leadership styles, size and ownership of the business
8 of 13
Give an example of an external factor that influences the relationship with stakeholders
Market conditions, the power of stakeholder groups, government policies
9 of 13
What does consultation mean?
Finding out the views of relevant stakeholder groups
10 of 13
What is 'push' communicating?
One-way communication such as emails, podcasts, mailshots, letters
11 of 13
What is 'pull' communicating?
Communication with stakeholder groups if they choose to engage with the business
12 of 13
An approach to stakeholder management?
Partnership, participation, consultation, 'push' communications, 'pull' communications
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are primary stakeholders?


Individuals or groups directly affected by a particular business activity

Card 3


What are secondary stakeholders?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give 2 examples of secondary stakeholders


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of an internal stakeholder


Preview of the front of card 5
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