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Card 6


Stages 1 & 2 = light sleep, characterised by a change in ---------- activity of the brain - as you become more relaxed your brain waves become slower (alpha) & as you go to sleep they become even slower (theta) - heart rate slows & temperature drops.


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Card 7


Stages 3 & 4 = characterised by even slower ----- waves (slow wave sleep) - very hard to wake someone up, although person isn't unconscious - physiological 'repair work' is undertaken & growth hormones are produced.


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Card 8


In REM sleep there's fast, desynchronised EEG activity resembling the awake brain - called 'paradoxical sleep' because the brain and eyes are active but the body is ---------.


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Card 9


The ----- rest-activity cycle (BRAC) - the 90 minute sleep cycle is located within a 24-hour circadian rhythm, so it would make sense to find that this 90 minutes clock was also ticking throughout the day.


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Card 10


Who observed eating & drinking behaviour in a group of psychiatric patients over periods of 6 hours & detected a clear 90 minute cycle in eating and drinking behaviour?


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Card 11


One issue with studies on REM sleep is the assumption that it is -------- sleep.


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Card 12


Who woke participants at times their brain waves were characteristic of REM sleep & found they were highly likely to report dreaming? However, they also found dreams were reported when not in REM and when not in REM, sleepers weren't always dreaming.


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Card 13


Who proposed that dreams are just a psychological readout of the random electrical typical of REM sleep?


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Card 14


The basic rest-activity cycle shows that sleep stages are part of a continuum & the importance of this 90 minute rhythm is probably as a form of timing to ensure that the biological processes of the body work in ------.


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