ultradian rhythms

what is an ultradian rhythm
a type of biological rhythm that is less than 24 hours
-a frequency of more than one cycle in 24 hours
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what is an example of a ultradian rhythm
the stages of sleep
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how many stages of sleep have psychologists indentifed
3 of 14
what is each stage characterised by and how can psycholgists monitor this
each stage is charectrsied by a different levels of brain wave activity which can be monitored using an eeg
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what is stage 1 and 2
this is a light sleep where a person may be easily awoken
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what are the brainwaves like in stage 1-2
alpha waves
high frequency short amplitude
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what is sleep like at sage 3 and 4
deep sleep or a slow wave sleep
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what are the brain waves like at stage 3-4
delta waves
lower frequency and high amplitude
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what is sleep like at stage 5
the body is paralysed yet brain activity closely resembles that of the awake brain
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what are the brain waves like at stage 5
theta waves
and the eyes occasionally move around
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what is a strength of research into ultradian rythms
improved understanding of age related changes in sleep
sleep scientists have observed that slow wave sleep reduces with age
Cauter et al the resulting sleep deficit may explain various issues in old age such as reduced alertness
-it has practical value
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what is a limitation of ultradian rythms research
individual differences
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what did tucker et al find
they found large differences between participants in terms of the duration of each sleep stage paticicularly at stages 3 and 4
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what is a further limitation of ultradian rhythm research
they lack ecological validity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is an example of a ultradian rhythm


the stages of sleep

Card 3


how many stages of sleep have psychologists indentifed


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is each stage characterised by and how can psycholgists monitor this


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is stage 1 and 2


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