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6. How much did the price of rice go up by?

  • 3%
  • 11.9%
  • 56.2%
  • 8.9%

7. What did flooding specifically cause?

  • surface and ground water to become contaminated
  • damage to houses
  • damage to schools and businesses

8. How many hectares of agricultural land affected?

  • 49250
  • 60,000
  • 600,000
  • 1 million

9. Rebuilding of what?

  • Roads, bridges and airport facilites
  • schools and buisnesses
  • telephone poles

10. How many hectares of trees were contaminated because of the oil leak?

  • 88
  • 27
  • 10
  • 20

11. What was lost due to storm surges?

  • houses
  • rice and seed stocks
  • chlorine
  • cars

12. What was the wind speeds?

  • 314 kpm
  • 104 kpm
  • 294 kpm
  • 439 kpm

13. How many died?

  • 6190
  • 1033
  • 4920
  • 3204

14. How many farmers and fishers lost their income?

  • 8/9
  • 1/2
  • 3/4
  • 1/7

15. When did emergency supplies arrive?

  • 1 month later
  • 4 days later
  • 3 days later
  • 2 weeks later

16. How many people did the authorities evacuate?

  • 800,000
  • 394,022
  • 56,000
  • 910,000

17. What increased as people fought for food and water?

  • looting
  • begging

18. What did agencies such as Oxfam help replece?

  • Shopping tills
  • Fishing boats
  • Vending machines
  • Hot water bottles and cutlery

19. How much were recovery costs for agriculture and fishing?

  • $340 million
  • $567 million
  • $724 million
  • $209 million

20. How much money in overall damage?

  • 43.5 million
  • $12 billion
  • 453,000
  • 56 million