Types of Long-term memory

What is Episodic memory?
Like a diary. Specific memories. Make conscious effort to recall them.
1 of 5
What is Semantic memory?
Like a dictionary/encyclopaedia. Meaning of words, tastes of foods, knowledge on how to do tasks. Less personal and not time-stamped.
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What is Procedural memory?
Memories of how we do things. e.g. riding a bike. Hard to explain because we recall these without conscious awareness.
3 of 5
Name 3 strengths for types of long-term memory.
Real life application - Belleville found that episodic memory can be improved in old people with cognitive impairments
Strength - Brain scan studies. Tulving had participants perform memory tasks while their brains were being scanned
Strength - Case study
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Name a limitation for types of long-term memory
Problems with clinical evidence - Evidence often based on clinical cases where there is a lack of control different variables i.e. location of brain damage which makes it difficult to generalise.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Semantic memory?


Like a dictionary/encyclopaedia. Meaning of words, tastes of foods, knowledge on how to do tasks. Less personal and not time-stamped.

Card 3


What is Procedural memory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 3 strengths for types of long-term memory.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name a limitation for types of long-term memory


Preview of the front of card 5


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