Tropical Storms

  • Created by: 123
  • Created on: 22-03-21 16:57
Where do hurricanes form?
North Atlantic and Northeast Pacific
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Where are typhoons formed?
Northwest Pacific
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Where are cyclones formed?
South Pacific and Indian Ocean
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What are cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes?
Tropical Storms
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What is a tropical storm?
A low pressure weather system with intense rain and winds.
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At what latitudes do tropical storms develop?
Between 5 and 30 degrees north and south
of the equator.
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How warm does the sea water have to be for a tropical storm to develop?
27 degrees Celsius or higher.
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How does a tropical storm form over
warm sea water?

1. The warm surface water evaporates, rises and then condenses into clouds.
2. This produces huge amounts of energy, producing powerful storms.
3. The rising air creates low pressure increasing surface wind.
4. Low wind shear stops breakage in cloud cover
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How does a tropical storm form over
warm sea water?

5. Easterly winds at the equator move the tropical storm west.
6. The tropical storm spins due to the Coriolis effect.
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How do tropical storms lose energy?
When they move over land or cool water, the energy supply from the water cuts off so they
lose energy.
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When do tropical storms generally occur?
In the Northern Hemisphere from August to October.
In Southern Hemisphere from December to
Between Summer and Autumn.
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Do tropical storms in the northern hemisphere spin clockwise or anti-clockwise?
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Do tropical storms in the southern hemisphere spin clockwise or anti-clockwise?
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How could climate change affect the
frequency of tropical storms?
Oceans may remain at 27 degrees or higher
for longer periods of time resulting in more
tropical storms forming each year.
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How could climate change affect the
distribution of tropical storms?
Tropical storms form in waters 27 degrees or
over so if more areas of the sea are this hot,
then more tropical storms may form.
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How could climate change affect the intensity
of tropical storms?
As sea temperatures could be hotter, this will
lead to more evaporation and cloud
formation which means more energy is
released. This will create more powerful
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How can we predict and monitor
tropical storms?
Monitored- radars, satellites and aircraft. Computer models used to calculate predicted paths.
Prediction- time for evacuation to protect homes and businesses.
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How can planning reduce the effect of tropical storms?
- Governments can plan evacuation routes
so that people can get away quickly.
- Emergency services can practise rescuing
people from flooded areas.
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How can protection help reduce the effect of tropical storms?
- Buildings can be designed to withstand tropical storms.
- Buildings can be built on stilts so they are safe from floodwater.
- Flood defences can be built along rivers (levees) and coasts (sea walls).
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where are typhoons formed?


Northwest Pacific

Card 3


Where are cyclones formed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a tropical storm?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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