Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide

What is oxyhaemoglobin?
The molecule formed when oxygen binds to haemoglobin
1 of 13
What is the reversible equation for oxyhaemoglobin?
Hb + 4O2 <--> Hb4O2
2 of 13
What is the Bohr effect?
The changes in oxygen dissociation curve of haemoglobin because of a rise in CO2 & reduction of affinity of haemo. for oxygen
3 of 13
Does fetal haemoglobin have a higher or lower affinity for oxygen?
4 of 13
What is myoglobin?
A respiratory pigment found in muscle tissue of vertebrates
5 of 13
Does myoglobin have a higher or lower affinity for oxygen than haemoglobin?
6 of 13
What is the name of the compound formed when CO2 binds with haemoglobin?
7 of 13
What does carbonic anhydrase catalyse?
Controls rate of reaction between CO2 and water to form carbonic acid
8 of 13
What is the chemical symbol for carbonic acid?
9 of 13
As carbonic acid dissociates, what is formed?
Hydrogen ions and hydrogencarbonate ions
10 of 13
What moves in and what moves out of r.b.c during the chloride shift?
Hydrogencarbonate ion pass out and chloride ions move in
11 of 13
Why does haemoglobin accept hydrogen ions to form haemoglobinic acid?
To avoid changing the pH of the blood
12 of 13
What is the equation for the formation for carbonic acid and then its seperation?
CO2 + H2O = H2CO3= HCO3- + H+
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the reversible equation for oxyhaemoglobin?


Hb + 4O2 <--> Hb4O2

Card 3


What is the Bohr effect?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Does fetal haemoglobin have a higher or lower affinity for oxygen?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is myoglobin?


Preview of the front of card 5
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