Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these is not used in the electrical conduction of the heart.

  • Atrio-ventricular valves
  • Atrial ventricular node
  • Purkinje Fibres
  • Sino-Atrial node

3. A closed circulatory system is when ?

  • Blood is always enclosed in blood vessels
  • A system in which the blood flows through the heart once per cycle
  • Blood is not always contained in vessels like in a haemocoel

4. A double circulatory system is?

  • A system in which the blood flows through the heart twice per cycle
  • A system in which the blood flows through the heart once per cycle
  • Blood is not always contained in vessels like in a haemocoel

5. What is not true about a capillary ?

  • There are elastic tissue in the walls to squeeze the erythrocytes through
  • Walls made from a single row of flattened endothelium cells (Reduce diffusion distance)
  • Lumen is the same diameter as a red blood cell


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