

1. What is rejuvenation?

  • Investment and modernisation may occur which leads to the area being improved. The visitor numbers may increase.
  • A celebration of the nation.
  • If the resort doesn't go into rejuvenation, it goes into decline. Here jobs are lost and the area's image suffers.
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2. What is development?

  • the host country starts to develop and advertise the area. The area becomes recognised as a tourist destination.
  • When things change.
  • When your understanding of geography develops.

3. What is exploration?

  • The act of searching for discovery and harmony within one's self.
  • a small number of tourists visit the area. The area is unspoilt and few tourist facilities exist.
  • When you explore the jungle or other places outside your home town.

4. What is mass tourism?

  • Mass tourism is a form of tourism that involves tens of thousands of people going to the same resort often at the same time of year. It is the most popular form of tourism as it is often the cheapest way to holiday, and is often sold as a PACKAGE DEA
  • Mass study of when you tour the isms, such as romanticism, which is a term denoting an era of Western classical music that began in the late 18th or early 19th century.

5. What is the butler model?

  • Butler developed a model which shows how any tourist resort may grow.
  • The hierarchy of what it takes to become the best butler in Buckinghamshire.
  • The art of training to become a butter dealer


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