Topic6 - Land Resources Glossary

Honeypot Site
An area that is particularly attractive to visitors.
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Countryside Council for Wales
The equivalent organisation in Wales to Natural England.
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National Parks
Designated areas for informal public recreation, wildlife conservation and maintenance of the rural economy.
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National Park Authority (NPA)
The organisation that runs a National Park.
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Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
5 of 17
Heritage Coast
A coastline protected from development for its scenic or environmental value.
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National Trails
Long-distance routes for walking, cycling and horse riding.
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Long-Distance Footpaths
Long-distance routes for walkers, most of which are also National Trails.
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Country Park
An area of countryside managed for public enjoyment. Most near urban areas and are run by local authorities.
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Urban Park
An area of semi-natural land in an urban area used for public recreation and relaxation.
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Neptune Coastline Campaign
The National Trust campaign to buy and protect important coastline landscape.
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Green Belt
A designated area around an urban area to restrict urban expansions.
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Space Zoning
A method of avoiding land-use conflicts by allocating different areas to different uses.
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Time Zoning
A method of avoiding land-use conflicts by allowing different uses at different times.
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Leopold Matrix
A grid that is used to assess and compare the environmental impacts of proposed developments.
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Environmental Impact Assessment
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Cost benefit analysis.
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Card 2


The equivalent organisation in Wales to Natural England.


Countryside Council for Wales

Card 3


Designated areas for informal public recreation, wildlife conservation and maintenance of the rural economy.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The organisation that runs a National Park.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


Preview of the back of card 5
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