topic 4

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 21-03-22 19:18
what did Thomson discover about the atom
the discovery of electrons
1 of 19
what did Rutherford discover about the atom
Atoms have a central positive nucleus. Most of the mass of an atom is found in the nucleus.
2 of 19
what did Bohr discover about the atom
Electrons move in fixed orbits, called electron shells, around the nucleus.
3 of 19
what are atoms made up of
protons, neutrons and electrons
4 of 19
what can a electron be existed to
higher energy levels
5 of 19
what happens to an atom when it is ionised
it loses an electron
6 of 19
what do atoms of an element have
the same number of protons
7 of 19
what are isotopes
they are different forms of the same element
8 of 19
what does nuclear radiation do to atoms
they get ionised
9 of 19
what can a beta particle be
it can be electrons or positrons
10 of 19
what do mass and atomic numbers have to do
11 of 19
what does alpha decay do
decreases the charge and the mass of the nucleus
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what does beta-minus decay do
increases the charge of the nucleus
13 of 19
what does neutron emission do
decreases the mass of the nucleus
14 of 19
what are the sources of background radiation
cosmic rays - radiation that reaches the Earth from space
rocks and soil - some rocks are radioactive and give off radioactive radon gas
living things - plants absorb radioactive materials from the soil and these pass up the food chain
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what is a half-life
it is the average time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei of an isotope to halve
16 of 19
how does radiation damage cell
through ionisation
17 of 19
what is exposure to radiation called
18 of 19
what in contamination
it is when radioactive particles getting onto objects
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what did Rutherford discover about the atom


Atoms have a central positive nucleus. Most of the mass of an atom is found in the nucleus.

Card 3


what did Bohr discover about the atom


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are atoms made up of


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what can a electron be existed to


Preview of the front of card 5
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