Thermal stress

Define Thermal stress
Stress which is induced in a body as a result of changes in temperature which can lead to fracture and undesirable plastic deformation.
1 of 5
How can stress be introduced in a material through heat?
By restraining thermal expansion or contraction.
2 of 5
Give an equation for thermal stress
σ = Eα(T_f -T_0) ] where α: linear coefficient of thermal expansion.
3 of 5
What stress is introduced when a rod is heated?( when the axial motion of the rod is restrained by rigid end supports)
Compressive thermal stress as expansion has been constrained.
4 of 5
What stress is introduced when a rod is cooled?( when the axial motion of the rod is restrained by rigid end supports)
Tensile thermal stress as contraction has been constrained.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How can stress be introduced in a material through heat?


By restraining thermal expansion or contraction.

Card 3


Give an equation for thermal stress


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What stress is introduced when a rod is heated?( when the axial motion of the rod is restrained by rigid end supports)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What stress is introduced when a rod is cooled?( when the axial motion of the rod is restrained by rigid end supports)


Preview of the front of card 5


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