Theory 4(Chapter 1)(RN)

  • Created by: Moles12!
  • Created on: 08-06-21 13:12
As altitude increases, what happens to the pressure, volume and energy required to boil a substance ?
As altitude increases pressure decreases, volume increases and the energy required to boil a substance is lower.
1 of 24
As altitude decreases below sea level what happens to the pressure, volume and energy required to boil a substance ?
As altitude decreases below sea level, pressure increases, volume decreases and the energy required to boil a substance is greater.
2 of 24
List the three ways heat is transferred.
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Define sensible heat.
Sensible heat is the heat used to warm up a substance raising its temperature but, there is no change in state.
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Define Latent heat.
Latent heat is the heat transferred which changes a substances state(e.g solid to liquid) without a change in temperature.
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State the purpose for sub-cooling in a refrigeration system.
Sub-cooling is used to ensure there are no gases remaining in the liquid.
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State the purpose of super-heating in a refrigeration system.
Super-heating ensures that there is no liquid remaining within a gas.
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Heat transfers from a *** body to a **** body.
Heat transfers from a HOT body to a COLD body.
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What are the temperature ranges for the:
Cold room
Dairy room
Fruit+Veg store
Galley ready use cupboard
Cold room: -18C to -22C
Dairy room: 4C to 6C
Fruit+veg store: 4C to 6C
Galley ready use cupboard: 5C-7C
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List the 4 main components of a basic refrigeration system.
TEV(Thermal Expansion Valve)
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Explain the state of the refrigerant as it enters the compressor and as it exits the compressor
The refrigerant enters the compressor as a low pressure warm gas and exits as a High pressure hot gas.
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Explain the state of the refrigerant as it enters the condenser and as it exits the condenser.
The refrigerant enters the condenser as a high pressure hot gas and exits the condenser as a high pressure warm liquid, this is achieved by using a seawater cooling medium.
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Explain the state of the refrigerant as it enters the TEV and as it exits the TEV.
The refrigerant enters the TEV as a high pressure warm liquid, and exits as a low pressure very cold liquid.
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Explain the state of the refrigerant as it enters the evaporator and as it exits the evaporator.
The refrigerant enters the evaporator as a low pressure very cold liquid and exits as a low pressure warm gas.
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What are the two colours on a sight glass indicator and what do they represent ?
Green- Indicates dry(No moisture in the system).
Yellow-Indicates Moisture in system.
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List the three methods of defrosting and how long they can be carried out for.
Natural defrosting-(No time limit, done at regular intervals for maintenance (3-6 Months))
Hot gas defrosting-(Max of 1 hour a day(4x15 mins) to prevent cooking oil)
Electrical heating coils-(Max of 1 hour a day again to prevent cooking oil in evaporator)
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List 3 O-zone depleting substances.
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List 5 methods of identifying a leak.
Infrared leak detection system(IRLDS)
Oil slicks
Spectro Lyne Dye and UV lamp
Halogen leak detector
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List 3 Lubricants
OM 70
SW 68
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What Refrigerant is used in the RN and what is its boiling point ?
R134A has a boiling point of -26.5C
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List the three ways oil can be added to a sump.
Sump filler plug
Hand pump
Dosing pot
21 of 24
What does the chilled water plant cool ?
Weapons systems
Ship computer system
Air treatment units(ATU's)
22 of 24
What temperature does cooled water leave the chiller at and what temperature does it re enter the chiller at ?
Cooled water leaves the chiller at 4C to 6C
and returns at 13C to 20C
23 of 24
List 5 hazards associated with refrigeration and chilled water plants.
1.Refrigerant in the atmosphere(can not support life)
2.Contact of refrigerant with skin(Frost bitten)
3.Gases produced in refrigeration are heated(can turn into mustard gas)
4.Refrigeration machinery space dangers
5.correct machinery room entry procedure
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


As altitude decreases below sea level what happens to the pressure, volume and energy required to boil a substance ?


As altitude decreases below sea level, pressure increases, volume decreases and the energy required to boil a substance is greater.

Card 3


List the three ways heat is transferred.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define sensible heat.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define Latent heat.


Preview of the front of card 5
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