Theme 4 - The role of the financial sector

  • Created by: becky.65
  • Created on: 09-03-18 11:36
Where are all safe places to keep money?
Investment banks, retail banks and building societies
1 of 12
Why is it good to keep money in the banks?
To earn interest so businesses can increase retained profit and help fund future investments
2 of 12
How do investors interest rates reflect?
How risky the project is
3 of 12
What do individuals interests rates reflect?
Their personal financial history
4 of 12
How do banks make money?
By charging higher interest rates for loans than they pay in interest to savers. The difference must cover the risk of default
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How are payment systems becoming quicker?
Bank transfers and online banking
6 of 12
What are credit reference agencies?
They gather information to courts and bankruptcy proceedings, hire-purchase companies and professional debt collectors to help banks assess the risk-worthiness of creditors
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Why are credit reference agencies helpful for banks?
They can accurately assess the probability that a loan will not be paid back so they can have the right reservations of funds to cover potential losses
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How did the lack of assessment lead to the financial crisis?
Many banks failed to notice that the rating agencies were overlooking some weaknesses in the system
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What are futures?
When banks arrange contracts to purchase currency or commodities in the forward market
10 of 12
What have moves to modernise led to stockbrokers being taken over by?
11 of 12
What are investment banks involved in?
Helping businesses that want to become PLC, ie listed on the stock exchange
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is it good to keep money in the banks?


To earn interest so businesses can increase retained profit and help fund future investments

Card 3


How do investors interest rates reflect?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do individuals interests rates reflect?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do banks make money?


Preview of the front of card 5
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