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6. fMT:Written in FREE VERSE the language at the beginning was......, reinforcing the everday register but the final verse gives way to........

  • colloquial......lyricism
  • flat and dull......humour
  • varied.....homosexuality

7. The poem PILATE'S WIFE is written six quatrains and iambic pentameter

  • True
  • False

8. The poem Mrs Darwin takes on the forms of....

  • A confession, a prayer, a joke
  • a joke, a diary entry, insult poem
  • A joke, a prayer, a diary entry

9. Mrs Sisyphus: the first verse is so heavily accented, close to doggerel. What is doggerel?

  • a verse that is sentimental and has a forced rhythm used to create a comic effect
  • a dislike or hatred of women
  • direct question or demand

10. The lumpy rhythm in Mrs Sisyphus is a structural metaphor for...

  • her discontent
  • pushing the stone up the hill
  • porridge

11. T/F? The poem Mrs Faust is not written in free verse, thus slowing it down, much like their lifestyle.

  • False
  • True

12. LRC- example of a CAESURA can be seen in line 36. What is a caesura? <<HINT-identify the name behind the definition of the other options-they are all applicable to other poems in TWW>>

  • a pause during a line of poetry
  • a formal poem
  • a pause at the end of a line of poetry
  • when the poet has a fit and scribbles on the page
  • a pair of rhythmed lines of any metre

13. MF: "Terracotta tuscan tiles" is an example of........speeding up pace and tension whilst keeping materialism at the forefront of priorities.

  • repetition
  • alliteration
  • colloquialism

14. Delilah is a MYSOGYNISTIC SYMBOL of the FEMME FATALE because she....

  • cut off the purse of his ear
  • cut off his hair
  • cut off his penis
  • cut off his telephone line

15. D:'I nibbled at the purse of his ear' is an .... to delilah's payment in the biblical tale and here a ......for her revenge.

  • allusion....metaphor
  • assonance...metre

16. Anne Hathaway adopts the form of........

  • a prayer
  • a shakespearean sonnet
  • a letter

17. Anne Hathaway is given a lyrical voice....and is written in feminine rhyme.

  • True
  • False

18. Anne Hathaway contains:

  • Assonance-the use of the same vowel sound with differnet constanant or the same constanant with different vowel sounds in succesive words or stressed syllables in a line of verse.
  • All of the above
  • Anaphora- the repetition of the same word or words at the start of a line
  • Connsonance-repeated arrangements of consonants with a change in the vowel that separates them, eg lip lop lap
  • Alliteration-repetition of the same constanant in a stretch of language

19. Queen Kong OBJECTIFIES her "little man" treating him like a doll, this is a METAPHOR for.....

  • they way in which women are treated by men in a patriachal world
  • the way contemporary society is obsessed with materialism

20. The line in the poem Medusa "look at me know" is an example of....

  • Both of the above
  • a command (imperative)
  • Juxtaposition