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6. How many German people were lost due to the territorial sanctions imposed on Germany through the treaty?

  • 21 million
  • 4 million
  • 6 million
  • 1 million

7. How many men was Germany's army reduced to?

  • 50,000
  • 150,000
  • 100,000
  • 200,000

8. What were the 3 lasting effects of the treaty on Germany?

  • Germany was strengthened, the economy steadily improved and foreign affairs flourished
  • The Weimar republic became unpopular, it caused lasting political protest and it allowed the economy to be steadily rebuilt
  • It weakened the Weimar republic's popularity, it caused lasting political protest and it destroyed German economy
  • The Weimar republic became incredibly popular, the economy steadily grew and the Kaiser was able to return

9. What key areas of Germany were lost due to the treaty?

  • Alsace-Lorraine to France, Posen and West Prussia to Poland
  • Hamburg and Alssace-Lorraine to France, Berlin and Posen to Poland
  • Berlin to France, Posen and West Prussia to Poland
  • Posen to France, West Prussia to Poland

10. What does Dolchstoss mean and how did it apply to the German people?

  • Stabbed in the back - they felt that government had stabbed them in the back, firstly for surrendering despite telling the German people they were winning, and secondly, for signing the treaty
  • Alone - they felt that Germany was being kicked out of foreign affairs and so was left isolated.
  • Scared of other country's power - The other countries were the deciders on the terms of the treaty, the German people had no say in it, making them very scared about the future
  • Glad - The war was finally over and so there was hope that conditions would start improving

11. What happened in the Rhineland in terms of sanctions that were imposed on Germany?

  • Nothing
  • It was given to France
  • Allied troops occupied it and it was de-militarised
  • German people were no longer allowed to enter it

12. What was article 231?

  • The military sanctions
  • The war guilt clause
  • The territorial sanctions
  • The reparations sanction