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6. the reactivity of the halogens ____ going down the group

  • decreases
  • increases
  • stays the same

7. Why are transition metals useful as building materials, often as alloys?

  • They are strong and dense
  • they are strong and not malleable
  • they are weak and bad conductors of heat

8. Transition metals only react slowly or not at all with ____ at ordinary tempertures

  • oxygen and water
  • hyrdogen and oxygen
  • water and hydrogen

9. (halogen)At room temperture chlorine is a

  • red-brown liquid
  • green gas
  • pale yellow gas
  • grey solid

10. Transition metals are often ___ coloured

  • not
  • brightly
  • dully

11. Halogens have ____ melting and boiling point

  • similar
  • low
  • high

12. as the halogen group goes down the boiling and melting points ______

  • stay the same
  • increase
  • decrease

13. Transition models are found between group ___ and ___

  • 2 and 3
  • 1 and 2
  • 3 and 4

14. Transition metals form ____ ions with various chages

  • positive
  • negative
  • neutral

15. (exepct for mercury), transition metals have a ____ melting and boiling points than the alkali metals

  • the same
  • higher
  • lower

16. the halogens bond ______ with non-metals, forming molecules

  • metalically
  • covalently
  • ionically

17. the halogens form ionic compounds with metals in which the halide ions have a chage of

  • 1-
  • 1+
  • 1(neutral)

18. (halogen) at room temperture bromine is a

  • pale yellow gas
  • red-brown liquid
  • grey solid
  • green gas

19. Transition metals are much ____ reactive

  • less
  • more
  • the same

20. the halogens are in group

  • 5
  • 7
  • 4