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6. Which of the followig names are the correct succession of Chancellors during the Second Reich?

  • Von Bismarck, Von Bulow & Von Bethmann
  • Von Bethmann, Von Bulow & Von Bismarck
  • Von Bulow, Von Bismarck, Von Bethamnn

7. The Army

  • Were outside the constitutio
  • Supported by the workers
  • Against the Kaiser
  • Were within the Constitution

8. The Bundersrat was created by

  • Von Bethmann
  • Von Bismarck
  • Von Bulow

9. The Bundersrat was

  • Barrier
  • Lower house of parliment
  • Law Maker
  • Weak

10. Reichstag most important function was

  • Control of Defence budget
  • Control of Police Budget
  • Control of Education Budget
  • Control of Deficit Budget

11. Elected on

  • Just by the upper class
  • Based on universal Male Sufferage
  • All around population
  • Just by the Middle class

12. Strength of a constitution were

  • Strong because it was forward thinking
  • Strong if there was strong individuals working within it
  • Strong because it based on Democratic Priniciples

13. How many seats did the Conservatives lose in the 1912 election?

  • 17
  • 28
  • 22
  • 10

14. How many seats did the Liberals lose in the 1912 election?

  • 33
  • 10
  • 12
  • 46

15. How many seats did the SPD grew by from?

  • 56-110
  • 68-120
  • 90-150
  • 40-80

16. In which areas did the German economy grow?

  • Raw Materials
  • Technology
  • Exports
  • Agriculture
  • Welfare

17. What were the strengths of urbanisation

  • Improved Government Relation
  • More Money
  • Population Growth/Infant Mortality Decline
  • Calmer Society
  • More Sanitation

18. The Nationalist Pressure group wanted

  • Expansion
  • War
  • New Government
  • Revolution

19. The main aim for a successive chancellor was...

  • Protecting Government
  • Protecting Elite
  • Protecting Furhrer

20. When was Von Bulow tenure as foreign minister?

  • 1907-1912
  • 1876-1888
  • 1900-1905
  • 1897-1900
  • 1890-1895