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6. By 1923 the Nazi party membership was...

  • 20 000
  • 17 000
  • 12 000
  • 14 000

7. Article 48 was used 5 times in 1930 and how many times in 1932?

  • 66
  • 63
  • 65
  • 64

8. Nicholls said Hitler's "appointment was unnecessary their movement was waning" and indeed

  • The NSDAP won 37.3% of the vote in July 1932
  • there was a decrease in party membership from 27000 in 1925 to 108 000 in 1928
  • in November 1932 Nazi seats dropped to 196
  • Hitler Youth and the Order of the German Women lacked appeal

9. When did Schleicher become Chancellor?

  • December 1932
  • March 1932
  • April 1932
  • June 1932

10. Name a major speaking programme organised for Hitler, 1932-33.

  • Flight Over Germany
  • The German Flight