The Restless Earth-What are earthquakes and where do they occur? (1.6)

  • Created by: Sofalof
  • Created on: 06-11-12 17:59
The place where an earthquake begins is called...
The focus
1 of 13
Is the epicentre on the surface or underground?
On the surface
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What is the order of shock waves which emanate from the epicentre?
Primary waves (underground P-waves), Secondary waves (underground S-waves), Transverse waves (overground S-waves) and Longitudinal waves (L-waves)
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What kind of particle movement occurs in P-waves?
Contractions and expansions
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What kind of particle movement occurs in an S-wave?
A sideways movement at a right angle to the wave's direction of travel
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What kind of particle movement occurs in an L-wave?
An up and down movement
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What is the line graph that is created by a seismomograph called?
A seismogram
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What does the logarithmic nature of the Richter scale mean?
That for every increase of one, the intensity of the earthquake is increased ten times
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Why do earthquakes occur at destructive plate margins?
Because the pressure built up from the sinking of the subducting plate is periodically released
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Why do earthquakes occur at constructive plate margins?
Because of the friction and pressure caused by the plates moving apart
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Why do earthquakes occur at conservative plate margins?
Because the plates stick together while moving past eachother. Stresses and pressure build
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The Mercalli scale is...
12 of 13
Stage 5 of the Mercalli sale is...
Felt by most people, dishes and windows broken
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Is the epicentre on the surface or underground?


On the surface

Card 3


What is the order of shock waves which emanate from the epicentre?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What kind of particle movement occurs in P-waves?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What kind of particle movement occurs in an S-wave?


Preview of the front of card 5
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