The Night of the Long Knives

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 23-02-14 12:12
By Summer 1933, Hitler's dictatorship was nearly complete, accept for one thing? What was it? Who controlled them?
He couldnt control the SA, Brownshirts. They were controlled by Ernest Roehm,
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What reputation did the SA have and why didn't Hitler want them? What did he want instead?
They had a reputation for chaos and violence and it gave the Nazi's a bad name so Hitler wanted a professional army like the **,
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Why was Roehm a threat to Hitler?
he had ambitions for the SA as were becoming powerful, 2 million members and they could challenge his leadership,
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What was Hitler told about a plot from Roehm?
That Roehm and the SA were plotting against Hitler so Roehm could take power immediately,
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When was the night of the Long Knives?
30th June 1934
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What did Hitler decide to do?
he used the ** to round up and shoot leading members of the SA, including Ernest Roehm,
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Where were the SA members staying at the time and why?
They were in a village inn at Munich after a meeting,
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Decribe in detail what happened on that night?
Just before 7am, ** cars rounded into the village with Hitler inside one. They marched into the inn and woke up Roehm and said 'You're under arrest' along with many other people. By 10am the ** were rounding up leading members of the SA.
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How did roehm die and why?
He was shot in prison after he refused to commit sucide
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How many round about were shot?
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How did Hitler use this opportunity to rid himself of?
To rid himself of other political opponents such as the previous Chancellor von Schleicher,
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What did Hitler tell the Reichstag about his actions and why did they accept without question?
he said he acted swiftly to prevent a Civil War against the Nazis and the Reichstag consisted of only Nazis and accepted these turn of events,
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Card 2


What reputation did the SA have and why didn't Hitler want them? What did he want instead?


They had a reputation for chaos and violence and it gave the Nazi's a bad name so Hitler wanted a professional army like the **,

Card 3


Why was Roehm a threat to Hitler?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was Hitler told about a plot from Roehm?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the night of the Long Knives?


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