The Judiciary

A revision quiz on the judiciary and their various roles.

What can judges do if legislation doesn't comply with the Human Rights Act 1998?
Declarations of incompatability
1 of 6
What is the role of a judge in criminal cases?
To decide on a sentence and act as arbiters of law
2 of 6
Who is at the top of the judge hierarchy?
Lord Chief Justice
3 of 6
What act changed the role of the Lord Chancellor and the Judicial Appointments process?
Constitutional Reform Act 2005
4 of 6
How many judges were appointed by the Queen to the Supreme Court?
5 of 6
Who decides on the final appointment of judges?
Lord Chancellor
6 of 6

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Card 2


What is the role of a judge in criminal cases?


To decide on a sentence and act as arbiters of law

Card 3


Who is at the top of the judge hierarchy?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What act changed the role of the Lord Chancellor and the Judicial Appointments process?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many judges were appointed by the Queen to the Supreme Court?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Georgia Blatchford


You are amazing ;)

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