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Card 6


The charity works only in Lewisham, the borough most affected by youth crime in the country, 2 people in our group live there -> Local to us


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Card 7


Jimmy21: Marks 5th anniversary of death, celebrates "21st" bday. Series of events like 21 mile walk/ BBQ from 11th-31st May. Plz join in ->21 minutes/hours/days ->sponsor our 21 mins of meditation,shortly after half-term,even if we don't win.


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Card 8


Cafe of Good Hope: Hither Green, next to HQ. Provides work experience, Hygiene Certificates and First Aid Training ->essential in many jobs ->gives youth path and choice. Also community hub -> opportunity for socializing.


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Card 9


Only financial assistance from local council was small amount to start of Cafe. Annual Turnover: £89.2k-> more than income. Fundraising: Quiz nights, parties. Only two paid staff->mainly volunteers.


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Card 10


Camilla quote: "The Jimmy Mizen Foundation are different to other charities because they always stay true to their mission and really work for the young people."Foundation gave Camilla confidence and starting point in life.


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Card 11


Barry and Margaret have visited many schools + prisons, gave inspiring speches that genuinely change people's lives. JMF looks at root of the problem, "never get angry because anger is what killed Jimmy".


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Card 12


Speeches about passion and support for one another, learning to live together, choice + peace. Have inspired some of the most troubled children in school to get together -> peace rap.


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Card 13


JMF is special -> small but very important, one of few charities working to prevent youth crime in Lewisham, the borough which is worst affected by youth crime in the UK. We must support them to help them cope with such an intense problem.


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Card 14


It also affects our generation, it affects US! Imagine if one of your family members was badly bruised by youth crime, something easily preventable.


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Card 15


Remember to stay calm and never give up hope. Margaret and Barry Mizen didn't and now they have made such a positive impact on community. Be inspired and change for the better. Here's a short video about our visit to the foundation after school.


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