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6. Who argued Germany was living beyond means and public spending was out of Control?

  • Borchardt
  • Hitler
  • Layton
  • Edexcel
  • Kaiser

7. Who argued it was because of Lack of Investment

  • Kaiser
  • Hitler
  • Edexcel
  • Holtfreich
  • Borchardt

8. What group held 30% of the vote by 1922?

  • SPD
  • USPD
  • Centre Party
  • Fatherland Party

9. How many coalition governments were there during the time of Weimar

  • 5
  • 7
  • 1
  • 2

10. In what order were chancellor active during the time of Weimar?

  • Marx, Luther & Muller
  • Muller, Marx & Luther
  • Luther, Muller & Marx

11. What does Ersatkaiser mean?

  • Substitute Kaiser
  • New Leader
  • Substitute Fuhrer
  • New Kaiser
  • New Fuhrer

12. One Coalition Government split due to disagreement on a Flag?

  • True
  • False

13. What did Stresemann aim to do?

  • Free Germany and encourage peace
  • Free Germany and gain back the Rhineland g