The earth and the universe

  • Created by: Rishiga
  • Created on: 27-02-14 20:58
Solar system
Sun eight planets dwarf planets moons comets and asteroids 5000 million years ago forms from clouds of gases,dust in space
1 of 5
Sun is a star, sun is made up of hydrogen and helium gas when it joins together it is called nuclear fission sun is ball of hot gases, 14000 million years ago, millions of stars and solar system is called galaxy, our galaxy is Milky Way
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Stars distance
Parallax, brightness para- earth moves from 1 side to another nearby seems to move more than the far away stars uncertain about the distance in space, assumption when interpreting observations
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Seafloor spreading
Spread 10cm/year, ocean ridges form, conventional pull, magma erupts and cools to make new rocks, magnetic strips are same direction of the earths magnetic field at time, proves wegeners theory continental drift
4 of 5
P waves-longitudinal waves can travel through solid and water, S waves-transverse waves can travel through solid earthquake can be dected in seismic waves that is called seismometer
5 of 5

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Card 2


Sun is a star, sun is made up of hydrogen and helium gas when it joins together it is called nuclear fission sun is ball of hot gases, 14000 million years ago, millions of stars and solar system is called galaxy, our galaxy is Milky Way



Card 3


Parallax, brightness para- earth moves from 1 side to another nearby seems to move more than the far away stars uncertain about the distance in space, assumption when interpreting observations


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Card 4


Spread 10cm/year, ocean ridges form, conventional pull, magma erupts and cools to make new rocks, magnetic strips are same direction of the earths magnetic field at time, proves wegeners theory continental drift


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Card 5


P waves-longitudinal waves can travel through solid and water, S waves-transverse waves can travel through solid earthquake can be dected in seismic waves that is called seismometer


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