The Dungeon - Key Quotes


1. 'Till he relent, and can no more endure To be a jarring and dissonant thing ... His angry spirit healed and harmonised By the benignant touch of love and beauty.' Is Coleridge's summation that nature should be used in the rehabilitation of prisoners.

  • False, Coleridge believed that religion was the best way to rehabilitate prisoners.
  • True. Although the Romantic movement did also advocate religion as a tool for rehabilitating prisoners.
  • False, Coleridge didn't believe in rehabilitation.
  • False, it simply supports the romantic belief that nature posses restorative powers, Coleridge did't believe in its use to rehabilitate prisoners.
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Other questions in this quiz

2. 'O nature! Healest thy wandering and distempered child: ... Amid this general dance and minstrelsy; ... [he] wins back his way' would be a good quote to support which point?

  • Coleridge introduces a rhyme scheme in the second stanza.
  • Coleridge was an advocate of the Bloody Code and the penal system before the penal reform of the late 18th century.
  • Other readers disagree that this is Coleridge's intention with his use of punctuation as it does not change in the second stanza. Which of these quotes best supports that?
  • Coleridge simplifies his punctuation in the seconds stanza; as compared to the first.

3. 'stagnate', 'corrupt', 'poison', 'friendless solitude', 'groaning', 'tears', 'uncomfortable', 'dismal twilight', 'savage' and, 'dungeon' form a semantic field that is best described as what?

  • The effects of an absence of nature.
  • All of these.
  • Macabre cinematic imagery.
  • Negative.

4. Which techniques are present in the quote, 'Thy melodies of woods, and winds and, waters'?

  • Assonance
  • All three as well as personification.
  • Alliteration
  • Tule of three.

5. Finish the quote: 'Poor brother...'

  • '... this is the process of our love and wisdom'
  • '... poor victim!'
  • '... who offends against us'
  • '... most innocent, perhaps'


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