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6. which theodicy did William Paley create

  • theodicy of your mum
  • theodicy of the watch
  • theodicy of the cheesey bum
  • theodicy of the stone

7. what is the first of St Thomas aquinas' five ways?

  • arguement from motion
  • arguement from design
  • the theory of the ozone layer

8. what is the anthropic principle?

  • the idea that the laws of motion and gravity suggest design
  • the idea that the cosmos is constructed for the development of intelligent life
  • the idea that the world is like a vegetable
  • the idea that lettuce is better for you than a GFC
  • the idea that the universe is anthropic

9. who said the world is like a vegetable, growing of its own accord?

  • David Hume
  • William paley
  • William walliam
  • David Tennant
  • Charles Darwin

10. what is design qua reglarity?

  • an aspect in which looks at how the worlds is amazing therefor cannot be there by chance
  • an aspect which at the evidence of design in relation to the ways in which the parts of the universe appear to fit together for some purpose
  • an aspect which looks at design in relation to the order and regularity in the universe
  • an aspect which looks at the way bums are shaped like peaches

11. what is design qua purpose?

  • an aspect which looks at how the world grows like a vegetable at its own accord
  • an aspect which at the evidence of design in relation to the ways in which the parts of the universe appear to fit together for some purpose
  • an aspect which looks at how people with hunchbacks look like they are wearing a rucksack under their top
  • an aspect which looks at design in relation to the order and regularity in the universe

12. who said the universe may be chaotic but our minds order as an arguement against the DA

  • immanuel Kant
  • my granny
  • Charles Darwin
  • William Paley
  • David Hume