The crucible overall quiz

This quiz enables you to test your overall  intelligence of the play , from character to themes and important events of the play . Goodluck and review please its my first one :))

  • Created by: Gini
  • Created on: 16-04-12 12:46
What was Hale like at the begining of the play ?
Believed he was intelligent and powerful through his books
1 of 10
Why did Elizabeth allow John to die ?
Because she realises that because of her own coldness led to the affaire and by allowing him to die he is forgiving her and standing up for his rights .
2 of 10
Why does Abbigail condem Elizabeth
Wants Elizabe dead as she is jealous of her beauty and love life
3 of 10
Why does Mary put the spotlight on John at the end ?
Mary is a very younh and foolish , at this moment she is scared by the court and Abbie therefore gives up and blames it on John as nothing is protecting her
4 of 10
Why is religion used to help condem characters ?
Because its a religouse commnity and religion is placed in their everyday life , therefore if by chance you hadnt been including it or have been a christian for a long time then it can be used against you . E.g Proctors didnt go to church for ages therefo
5 of 10
Why does Giles corey ask hale about the mysteriouse book reading ?
Because in those days it was a womans job to care for the home and children therefore suprised him when he saw his wife reading , as she wanted to learn
6 of 10
Why does Tituba allow the girls to sing and dance with her ?
7 of 10
Why does Betty pretend to be spelled
she is scared of whats happening and is very young who needs her mother to calm her down
8 of 10
Why is danforth in a hurry to finish the trails with John ?
Because he himself is unsure of whats happening and realises that the information they have acted on is bassless , confusing the situation therefore making it easier to blame the situation on john
9 of 10
Why couldnt Miller write this play in the 1940's-50's ?
Due to the situation going on in the writters time it would make him look suspicious as in those times they were on a hunt for those who were communist
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why did Elizabeth allow John to die ?


Because she realises that because of her own coldness led to the affaire and by allowing him to die he is forgiving her and standing up for his rights .

Card 3


Why does Abbigail condem Elizabeth


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why does Mary put the spotlight on John at the end ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is religion used to help condem characters ?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




random questions on the crucible so you have an idea of what small things you should know :)))



by the way i cant spell great so theres going to be a LOT of grammer mistakes

zuri webber


how about you get some GASH?????????????

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