The Cosmological argument QUIZ

After practising a part B question on the cosmological argument i realised that i got a few opinions mixed up - this is to personally help me remember them and to help you remember them too. 


1. What was Kant's argument against the cosmological argument?

  • Why are we even asking this question?
  • We shouldnt discuss God, he is necessary and we are contingent - so we cannot understand him
  • It is a big leap in logic to go from there must be a cause to this cause must be God
  • Why is infinate regression not possible?
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Other questions in this quiz

2. What was Hume's argument against the cosmological argument?

  • He didnt have one.
  • It is a big leap in logic to go from there must be a cause to this cause must be God
  • We shouldnt discuss God, he is necessary and we are contingent - so we cannot understand him
  • Why are we even asking this question?

3. What was Peter Vardys argument against the cosmological argument?

  • It is a big leap in logic to go from there must be a cause to this cause must be God
  • Why are we even asking this question?
  • He didnt have one.
  • We shouldnt discuss God, he is necessary and we are contingent - so we cannot understand him

4. What did Leibniz have to do with the argument?

  • He created the argument for sufficient reason
  • He created time
  • He created the argument for sufficient arguments
  • He created the argument of reliability

5. Which of these is true to be by Leibniz?

  • The principle of sufficient reason states that anything that happens does so for a reason and no statement can be true unless there is sufficient reason why it should not be otherwise.
  • An ontological argument for the existence of God (or simply ontological argument) is any one of a category of arguments for the existence of God.
  • Leibniz is a myth


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