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6. In some ways, Italy was not a severely affected by the Great depression as some other countries. True or false?

  • True
  • False

7. Did wheat production increase due to the Battle for Grain?

  • Yes
  • No

8. What was set up in 1931 to save the banking system from complete collapse?

  • ONB
  • IMI
  • OND

9. What worsened Italy's trade position in 1925/1924?

  • Poor grain harvest
  • Wall Street Crash
  • Failure of the public transport system

10. Which of these was not an aim of the Corporate State?

  • Increase the extent of State intervention in the economy
  • Create a new empire
  • Solve the conflict of class conflict and industrial unrest

11. What law of 1926 set up the structure of the Corporate State?

  • Press
  • Syndical
  • Acerbo
  • Concordat

12. The IMI and IRI were unsuccessful in stabilizing the economic situation in Italy in the 1930s. True or false?

  • False
  • True

13. Who did Mussolini appoint as Finance Minister in 1925?

  • Giovanni Gentile
  • Giuseppe Volpi
  • D'Annunzio
  • De Stefani

14. What was the Confindustria?

  • The Federation of Farmers
  • Italian Employers Federation
  • Socialist Worker's Union

15. The Battle for Lira was launched in what year?

  • 1928
  • 1925
  • 1926
  • 1927

16. The Battle for Land was also known as what?

  • Battle of the Marshes
  • Battle of the Countryside
  • Battle for Ruralisation

17. Which of these negatives is not true of the Battle for Grain?

  • Italy was still dependent on foreign imports
  • Other valuable crops e.g. olives, fruits and vegetables were neglected
  • Large scale farms in the Po Valley did really badly
  • There was a decline in animal farming because of it