The camera+ the eye

  • Created by: Lina
  • Created on: 06-04-14 18:16
How does a camera film work in a camera to produce an image?
Light is focussed onto a film, which contains chemicals that react differently depending on the brightness of the light that shines onto them
1 of 8
How does a CCD produce an image in a digital camera?
CCD has millions of tiny light-sensitive pixels that each produce an electric current when light strikes them-> the signal is then processed+ stored as a digital picture
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What is long-sightedness?
When the eye can't focus on objects near the eye
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What causes long-sightedness?
1) The eye is too short 2) The eye can't make the lens fat enough to focus the light
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What is short-sightedness?
When the eyes can't focus on objects far away
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What causes short-sightedness?
1) The eyeball is too long 2) The eye can't make the lens thin enough to focus the light on the retina
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What kind of lens would you use to correct long-sightedness? Why?
Convex- so that the light from distant objects is focussed on the retina, instead of in front of it
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What kind of lens would you use to correct short-sightedness? Why?
Concave- so that the light from near objects is focussed on the retina, instead of behind it
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Card 2


How does a CCD produce an image in a digital camera?


CCD has millions of tiny light-sensitive pixels that each produce an electric current when light strikes them-> the signal is then processed+ stored as a digital picture

Card 3


What is long-sightedness?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What causes long-sightedness?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is short-sightedness?


Preview of the front of card 5
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