the working memory model

  • Created by: IvyVega
  • Created on: 03-06-18 13:57
WMM is a model of STM
an explanation of how STM is organised and how it functions. WMM is concerned with the part of the mind that is active when working on an arithmetic problem, playing chess, comprehending language, etc
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Central executive allocates slave systems
essentially an attentional process which monitors incoming data and allocates slave systems to tasks. it has a very limited storage capacity.
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phonological loop consists of a phonological store and an articulatory process
PL deals with auditory information and preserves the order in which the information arrives. it is subdivided into: phonological store- stores the words you hear. articulatory process- allows maintenance rehearsal.
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visuo-spatial sketchpad
stores visual and or/ spatial information when required. Logie subdivided the VSS into: visual cache- stores visual data. inner scribe- records arrangement of objects in visual field.
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episodic buffer, temporary storage
added in 2000. it is a temporary store for information. integrates visual, spatial, and verbal information from other stores. maintains sense of time sequencing- recording events that are happening. links to LTM
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limitation 1- lack of clarity over the central executive
cognitive psychologists suggest that the CE is unsatisfactory and doesn't really explain anything. the CE should be more clearly specified than just being simply attention. may consist of separate components.
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strength 1- support from brain scanning studies
Braver et al's participants did tasks involving the CE while they were having a brain scan. activity seen in an area known as the prefrontal cortex. activity in this area increased as the tasks became harder.
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Card 2


essentially an attentional process which monitors incoming data and allocates slave systems to tasks. it has a very limited storage capacity.


Central executive allocates slave systems

Card 3


PL deals with auditory information and preserves the order in which the information arrives. it is subdivided into: phonological store- stores the words you hear. articulatory process- allows maintenance rehearsal.


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Card 4


stores visual and or/ spatial information when required. Logie subdivided the VSS into: visual cache- stores visual data. inner scribe- records arrangement of objects in visual field.


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Card 5


added in 2000. it is a temporary store for information. integrates visual, spatial, and verbal information from other stores. maintains sense of time sequencing- recording events that are happening. links to LTM


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