The Working Memory Model

Central executive
Drives whole system - attentional process that monitors incoming information and allocates tasks to slave systems.
1 of 8
Phonological loop
Deals with auditory information, subdivided into phonological store and articulatory process.
2 of 8
Phonological store
Stores words you hear.
3 of 8
Articulatory process
Allows for maintenance rehearsal, repeats sounds to keep them in the working memory (about 2 seconds).
4 of 8
Visuo-spatial sketchpad
Stores visual and spatial information when required (eg. recalling how many windows your house has).
5 of 8
Visual cache
Stores visual data.
6 of 8
Inner scribe
Records arrangement of objects in visual field.
7 of 8
Episodic buffer
Integrates visual, spatial and verbal information from other stores, maintains sense of time sequencing recording events that are happening.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Deals with auditory information, subdivided into phonological store and articulatory process.


Phonological loop

Card 3


Stores words you hear.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Allows for maintenance rehearsal, repeats sounds to keep them in the working memory (about 2 seconds).


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Stores visual and spatial information when required (eg. recalling how many windows your house has).


Preview of the back of card 5
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