Other questions in this quiz

2. What analogy put forward by Aquinas, can be explained using the example of birds migrating

  • the shipwreck
  • Noah and the Ark
  • The arrow and the archer
  • the watch and the watchmaker

3. which of the following is a point made by Immanuel Kant

  • the argument depends of the assumption that the universe must be the independent work of a designer
  • entities should not be multiplied needlessly
  • it depends on the idea that the universe is not ordererd
  • the design argument is the only valid argument for the existence of God

4. Who said, "it is almost as if the universe must in some sense have known that we were coming"

  • William Ockham
  • Arthur Brown
  • Freeman Dysan
  • James Sadowsky

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the principles that questions why the universe is as it is?

  • suitability
  • Purpose
  • Gravity
  • Order
  • Aesthetics


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