The Solar System P16

What is within the solar system?
There is one star (the Sun) plus the eight planets and the dwarf planets that orbit around the Sun.
Natural satellites (the moons that orbit planets) are also part of the solar system.
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Our solar system is a small part of the _____ ___ ________.
Our solar system is a small part of the MILKY WAY GALAXY.
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What is a galaxy?
A massive group of stars
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How do stars form?
Stars form from clouds of dust+ gas. Gravity causes cloud of dust+gas to collapse. As dust particles move ↑ fast, temp rises to millions of degrees.
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How do stars form? cont.
If temp of cloud gets high enough, hydrogen nuclei join together to form helium (nuclear fusion, which releases a huge amount of energy). Protostar turns into a main sequence star
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What is a cloud of dust and gas called?
What is the main gas?
In a nebula, the main gas is hydrogen
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What is the collapsing cloud of hot gas and dust called?
A protostar
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What is the process of hydrogen nuclei join together to form helium called, and what does it do?
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion releases a huge amount of energy
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There are two _________ ______ within a star

What are these and what do they do?
There are two OPPOSING FORCES within a star

Force of gravity acts inwards + makes star collapse
Energy from nuclear fusion creates a force action outwards + makes star expand
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Why are stars in equilibrium?
The forces acting inwards and outwards are balanced
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What is the life cycle of a star dependent on?
The star's size
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What is the life cycle of a star that is about the same size as our sun?
Hydrogen nuclei fuse to make helium, hydrogen begins to run out, so outward force is less than inward force. So star collapses inwards, which causes its temp to ↑. Now, helium nuclei fuse to create heavier elements, so star expands to form a red giant
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What is the life cycle of a star that is about the same size as out sun? cont.
Eventually, the red giant stops fusing helium. Now, star shrinks and forms a white dwarf. As it is no longer carrying out fusion, white dwarf cools down. Eventually, it stops releasing any energy and forms a black dwarf.
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What is the life cycle of a star that is bigger than our sun?
Once these main sequence stars run out of hydrogen, they leave the main sequence stage and expand into red super giants. Helium nuclei fuse to produce heavier elements. At some point, nuclear fusion stops. The star explodes
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What is the explosion of the star called?
A supernova
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What is the life cycle of a star that is bigger than our sun?
After supernova explodes, elements are distributed throughout universe. The remains of the star can then form either a neutron star or a black hole
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Where do elements heavier than iron come from?
Supernova, as the temp is high enough to produce elements heavier than iron
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What is a neutron star?
Neutron stars consist of neutrons densely packed together
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What are black holes?
They have such a large gravity that not even light can escape
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Our solar system is a small part of the _____ ___ ________.


Our solar system is a small part of the MILKY WAY GALAXY.

Card 3


What is a galaxy?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do stars form?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do stars form? cont.


Preview of the front of card 5
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