The periodic table

Describe how Mendeleev arranged elements in the periodic table.
Mendeleev arranged the table in order of increasing atomic mass.
1 of 7
Describe how Mendeleev used the periodic table to predict the existance of other elements not then discovered.
When Mendeleev arranged the elements he found that there were gaps im his table. He worked out the missing atomic mass and predicted their properties.
2 of 7
Explain the meaning of atomic number of an element in terms of position in the periodic table and number of protons in the nucleus.
The more protons that there are then the further down the element will be.
3 of 7
What are the rows and columns for in the periodic table?
The rows are in order of increasing atomic number and the columns are placed with similar properties.
4 of 7
Identify elements as metals or non-metals according to their position in the periodic table.
Elements that are on the left of the periodic table are non-metals and the elements on the right are metals
5 of 7
How many electrons can each shell hold?
The first shell can hold a maximum of 2 electrons. The second and third shell can hold a maximum of 8 electrons.
6 of 7
How is the electron configuration of an element related to its position in the periodic table?
The number of shells that the atom has is the period number (the row) that the element is in and the number of electrons in the outer shell is the group number the element is in.
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe how Mendeleev used the periodic table to predict the existance of other elements not then discovered.


When Mendeleev arranged the elements he found that there were gaps im his table. He worked out the missing atomic mass and predicted their properties.

Card 3


Explain the meaning of atomic number of an element in terms of position in the periodic table and number of protons in the nucleus.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the rows and columns for in the periodic table?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Identify elements as metals or non-metals according to their position in the periodic table.


Preview of the front of card 5
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