The origin of Young's modulus

Define stiffness
The resistance of a material to elastic deformation.
1 of 13
Define Young's Modlus
The resistance to elastic extension and compression.
2 of 13
Define Shear Modulus
The resistance to shear strain
3 of 13
What can we use Young's modulus for?
To calculate deflection: ΔL =FL/AE .
4 of 13
What determines elastic behaviour?
5 of 13
What is yield stress affected by?
The microstructure of the material.
6 of 13
How is the potential energy well curve created?
It arises from attractive and repulsive forces (the addition of these curves)
7 of 13
Describe the Coulomb attraction
It is needed to form the bond and it is a long range force. U = -q^2/4πε_0*r .
8 of 13
Describe the Repulsive force (and thus energy)
It arises due to the overlap of inner electron shells, it is a short range force. U = B/r^n .
9 of 13
Give the equation for the the force between one bond
F_b= S_0 *Δr
10 of 13
Give the equation for the stress between the bonds
σ=NS_0*Δr =S_0 *(Δr/r_0) ] where N = (1/r_0 *1/r_0) --> the number of bonds per area
11 of 13
Give the equation for the Young's modulus of the bond
E = S_0/r_0
12 of 13
What are the consequences of a strong bond?
There is a deep + narrow energy well in the U- r graph. They have a higher bond energy and stiffness.
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Young's Modlus


The resistance to elastic extension and compression.

Card 3


Define Shear Modulus


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What can we use Young's modulus for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What determines elastic behaviour?


Preview of the front of card 5
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