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6. Who said that the big bang was caused by God and so made the universe?

  • Traditional past
  • Christians and Scientists
  • Literalists
  • Creationists

7. Whhat is sciences opinion on the universe?

  • The earth is one planet in a 'heliocentre galaxy' and all species including humans evolved to what they are today
  • the earth is flat
  • It happened by chance

8. What did people think in the past of how everything started?

  • That God made the universe out of nothing 6000 years ago
  • That god made everything in 6 days
  • That god made the univerese for a purpose
  • That the earth is one planet and insignificant

9. How?

  • Scientists and christians agree that the big bang was caused by god which made the universe
  • Both say that the god made everything for a purpose

10. What is a useful saying to remember in the test?

  • Science says how, religion says why
  • Religion says how, science says why
  • Literalists say why, Christians say how

11. What was Charles Darwins theory of evolution called?

  • Orgin of animals
  • Natural Selection
  • Natures choice