The Legislative Process

  • Created by: kousa
  • Created on: 27-10-16 13:07
First Reading
A formality, no debate and no vote. In the House – left in a ‘hopper’ - just a tray on the clerk’s desk. In the Senate – the title of the bill is read out on the Senate floor.
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Committee Stage
Bills are referred to the standing committees of each house. Each committee receives hundreds of bills = too many. Many are pigeonholed and no action is taken. Others, with popular support are given hearings. Since members of the committees are speci
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There are so many bills and only two chambers. Therefore, there has to be some system of arranging which bills are next to be heard. The Senate – ‘unanimous consent agreements’ these are agreements, between the Majority and the minority leaders. The
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Second Reading
This is the first chance for the bill to be heard on the floor and debated. All members of the chamber can be involved in the debate. Votes are taken on both amendments and the whole bill. There is either a recorded vote or a voice vote. Simple majo
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Third Reading
If there have been substantial amendments made in the second reading, with a close vote, then the third reading is likely to be held some time later. However, if there has been few changes in the second reading and there is a clear majority vote the
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If the bill makes it through both chambers of congress and there are significant differences then a conference committee is arranged to reconcile the differences between the two versions of the bill. However, these are often avoided, as both chamber
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Presidential Action
The president usually has three options with what to do with the bill. Sign the bill into law. This is usually done when the president is in full support of the bill OR they want to talk some form of personal credit for it. Eg, 2010 - Obama and the A
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Card 2


Bills are referred to the standing committees of each house. Each committee receives hundreds of bills = too many. Many are pigeonholed and no action is taken. Others, with popular support are given hearings. Since members of the committees are speci


Committee Stage

Card 3


There are so many bills and only two chambers. Therefore, there has to be some system of arranging which bills are next to be heard. The Senate – ‘unanimous consent agreements’ these are agreements, between the Majority and the minority leaders. The


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Card 4


This is the first chance for the bill to be heard on the floor and debated. All members of the chamber can be involved in the debate. Votes are taken on both amendments and the whole bill. There is either a recorded vote or a voice vote. Simple majo


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Card 5


If there have been substantial amendments made in the second reading, with a close vote, then the third reading is likely to be held some time later. However, if there has been few changes in the second reading and there is a clear majority vote the


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