The Growth Of Popular Radicalism

How did Neutralising the Laud happen and when did it happen?
They Knocked him out as a threat by locking him in the tower December 1640.
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Was abolition of prerogative courts a threat?
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What happened with the collapse of thorough?
Religious Reforms had not been properly enforced and therefore radicalism could grow.
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What did the release of prisoners like Prynne mean?
It gave people their voices back.
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Who were the Puritan Network?
An organised group who were a connected and organised opposition to the King.
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What was the collapse of censorship?
King's power had eroded.
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How does popular Radicalism connect to Politics in 1640?
Parliament began to nurture the London Mob to up the pressure on the King. They were easily mobilised into Religious reform.
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How did Charles I respond to the Grand Remonstrance?
The King's way to regain support was Religion. He distanced himself from Archbishop Laud. In 1641 he promoted several Bishops and appointed more.
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Card 2


Was abolition of prerogative courts a threat?



Card 3


What happened with the collapse of thorough?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did the release of prisoners like Prynne mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who were the Puritan Network?


Preview of the front of card 5
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