The Emergence and the Spread of the Great Terror, 1792-1795

  • Created by: HazelF97
  • Created on: 15-06-17 15:56
Who made up the National Covention?
Lawyers, professional men and property owners. The nobles and clergy were lower than ever
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What was the first decision?
To abolish the monarchy.
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How was there a clear division in the NC?
The Montagnards sat on the left hand side high banches, whereas the Girondins sat on the right hand high benches. The unaligned sat in the middle.
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What did the Grinondins accuse the Montagnards of?
wanting to impose a political dictatorship and being responsible for the September massacres.
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What else divided the Girondins and the Montagnards?
the sans-culottes supported the Montagnards.
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What did the Grinodians want to do with Louis?
hold a trial and hold him prisoner to be used in future negotiations with Austria and Prussia.
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What did the Montagnards want to happen to Louis?
They viewed him as guilty and wanted to see punishment.
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Who won the debate?
Girondins- persuaded the other deputies to hold a trial for Louis.
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what was the armoire de fer at the palace of Tuileries?
November 1792, discovered by work men- an iron wall safe containing letters from Louis to Austria and other damning evidence
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What were the two views for Louis' punishment?
1) Robespierre and the Montagnards wanted the death penalty 2) Girondins wanted it to be subject to a referendum of the people Marat suggested the deputies declare their decision publicaly.
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How many voted for the death penalty :i mprisonment?
387 : 288
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When was Louis guillotined?
21 January 1793
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What did the Estates Generals become?
National Assembly. 1789- Sept 1791
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What did the NAtional Assembly become?
Legislative Assembly- 1721-1792
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What did the Legislative Assembly become?
National Convention 1792-1795
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Card 2


What was the first decision?


To abolish the monarchy.

Card 3


How was there a clear division in the NC?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did the Grinondins accuse the Montagnards of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What else divided the Girondins and the Montagnards?


Preview of the front of card 5
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